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Article by Dr. Christian Jasperneite
Current developments in many countries around the world are not for the faint-hearted. In a large number of Western democracies, populist and in some cases even extremist parties are on the rise. It seems as if many democracies are currently experiencing a veritable crisis. Even NATO, the Western defense alliance, is going through difficult times. Although the 75th anniversary of NATO has just been celebrated with much pomp and glory, this cannot hide the fact that the defense capability of this alliance is seriously in question. At the same time, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is increasingly developing into an autocratic counterpart to the Western world. In addition, the economy is not running smoothly and interest rates are still at high levels. This is not really an environment in which shares should be rising. Nevertheless, many indices are close to their historic highs. Does all this still make sense? Can we draw conclusions from this development for the coming years?
In the current issue of "Economic Situation and Strategy", we try to bring some order to the situation and have some clear advice, particularly on the subject of sector weightings. Enjoy reading!